
Why you have to be vanish Tokyo from the earth sadly

(Tweets for Ms. Greta Thunberg)

Hi, Ms. Greta. I'm a Japanese poor painter.
  I must say you a sad thing.
  At first, I hope that Tokyo should be vanish from this earth.
  Because the part of Tokyo people are trying to restart a nuclear power plant to earn money greedy.

I am living in neighbor Fukushima, I have experienced a very scary nuclear accident.
  But they, Tokyo people had never reflected on their power plant pollution.
  The power plant has been placed on far from their city.
  This is an egoism of the metropolitan.

You said that the capitalism was evil, on UN.
  However, the nuclear power plant is also evil. This is a truth on my pollution environment experience.

You said we must change to stop CO2 emission.
  However, if you want to stop it on our Japan, you have to force mass killing for the nuclear power plant incidents.

Our Japan has many big earthquakes or tsunamis, other natural disasters. Those bring new fatal incident on the nuclear power plants. We will die for the effort decreasing CO2 emission only.

I wish to stop the mass killing by the nuclear power plant's company in Tokyo, but maybe, you will disturb it.
  Of course, our contexts are very different.

Of course, I have appealed to stop the nuclear power plant of the Tokyo companies, but Tokyo people have never listened me. They are very greed justly.

At end, I must say, if you hope to stop CO2 emission, you would shall change to be vanish Tokyo from the earth.
  If you cannot do so, not your will, CO2 emission decreasing ideology does mass killing on Japanese. Including me.

For this point of view I said, this was a sad thing.

(If you have never known about the names, Tokyo is a capital metropolis name, in a far East islands. Japan is a state name of the islands. I am living in the main island, most far East part)