
An advice for Ms. Ariana Grande's seven rings Kanji words ambiguity

Are you really Japanese? One ring is 一輪、two rings are 二輪、and seven rings are what? We can write it as 七輪。Like a 五輪 means five rings as mark of Olympic games?  And 七輪 came from 七厘 in etymology by one theory. These two words are same pronunciations as 'sichi-rin'.
  I searched what's the reason that the word we called 七厘(shichi-rin) or used generally 七輪(sichi-rin). I hitted three or more theories as etymology. One was because 厘(rin) was currency units of Edo period, that's grill could buy in just 7-rins currencies, and more one theory was that the grill efficiency was good for using about 7-rins currencies charcoal fuels. And more other one theory was that 7voids were under part of the grill. But we don't know well which one etymology's theory is true.
  After all, perhaps we Japanese used to be 七厘 to the grill on the Kanji mainly. But, after Meiji period, we had lost the currency units as 厘(rin) and started 円(yen) or 銭(sen) terms. So Japanese forgot the meaning of 厘(rin), we had to substitute same sound word 輪(rin).
  七輪 can use any meanings seven rings as same as other meanings. Because, that grill the sound of sichi-rin came from other Kanji word, perhaps. In other words, sichi-rin has many meanings in the word as ambiguity. Anyone can use 七輪 as 7rings included for hands or fingers etc.
  I can say that just you are bullying Ms. Ariana Grande, by an evil interpretation for including ambiguity, like one meaning is just 7rings, other meaning is the grill called same sound of Kanji. Because there are some meanings 七輪 as literally 7rings Kanji words.
  You should apologize for her, because she got pain strongly for using Kanji rightly in the hand. Your activity was very evil for bad interpretation as Japanese or traditional Chinese letters of 7rings literally.
  If you deny my advice, please write '7rings' only Kanji letters. When you must not use other words as Japanese Kana. Because you might not get too strong pain in the hand, for the lady. Please try to keep minimum letters.
  This is because 七輪 was 七厘 in old kanji in Japan. 厘(rin) was currency term in Edo period, that's grills or its fuels were 7厘. This was most reliable etymology. After modernization we Japanese had lost the term of 厘, we used to substitute new letter 輪(rin) for same sound.
  After all, the word of 七厘 was real kanji name of the grill. But we substitue same sound letter for simplification. This simplification brought by GHQ in Japan after WW2. So true kanji was forgot recently.
  Literally meaning of 七輪 is seven rings. Like 一輪 is one ring, 二輪 is two rings, 三輪 is three rings -- 五輪 is five rings, plus the meaning of Olympic games from the symbol mark -- 七輪 is seven rings. And new substitutional letter words of meaning as 七厘(sichi-rin).
  There's ambiguity meanings in one word, not only on Japanese or Kanji words. Red herring is the example.