
Tweets for Richard Dawkins about the religion today

The law kills us, the science kills us, the government kills us, too. Why do you hate an old religion only. I am being be killed by new religion called as capitalism for not having money. Rich people say same to me.
  I want to wish that today's atheists criticize the capitalism too, as same as to other beliefs. In my country Japan, the money enthusiasm is most inhumane.
Fortunately(perhaps), in real, I have entirely same situation. A young woman who hasn't long life for her heart disease, and she loves me. I am an avant-garde painter who hasn't any money. Do you hate our parents who had jobs in Sony, or a Prefectural office?
  In Japan, perhaps they're typical parents. They graduated university, worked all life. Worldly(not strict) buddhism including some Shinto style was their custom, but religion was very weak in our life. More they worked for capitalistic society brought by modern culture.
  Some atheists criticize Islam or christian beliefs. However, Buddhism knew that there wasn't needed God or Allah for to live well, a long time ago. Today, modern life pressures to earn money in the new religion, the capitalism. The money is new God.
  Christian societies(or some European-American societies, include Jewish people) hate islamic societies as if they are new members of crusades, this is typical mob who agitated by weapon merchants. And they're all capitalism devotees.
  I can say to you, will we criticize new religions too? People who just beautified beliefs to earn money are evil, because, they hate the poverty of cultural capitals too. If almost muslims learned well, they would notice same things with scientism believers.
  Capitalism can't save us entirely. Rather the devotees hate me always. Because an unknown artist hasn't talent to sell their favorite works. Because you favor new religion for your merit capitalistic, but hate old (or too new) religirous people who are victims loving their life.