In Yamato national people, at Japan ancestoral nation's one has a their story telling journalism. Perhaps these originated in Edo era or Heian era their national story telling customs. For example, the Kinki region, at Kyoto city's female writer Shikibu Murasaki made a story of Genji(Genji monogatari), and Kamakura city's minstrel Biwa-hooshi did a story of Heike(Heike monogatari). These were the simplizing custom for some subjective interpretations of the event. So you can see those national events be interpreted for the simplest story. Because the people of mainly yamato nations favors to listen it, like a child.
On todays too, people above the Japan's capital Tokyo does to explain some affairs at story telling on the subjective interpretation. Kisha club(the major capital cartel of jounalists club) associates for this purpose to make up new easily subjects on the society. So our minds could see the wonders in Japanese social major news, for instance, an entrepreneur Horiemon(Takafumi Horie) punishment play for the upstarts understare trapping. Or so, Mr. Eisaku Satou the formerly governor of the Fukushima prefecture be falsely accused, by critics for the security check of Japanese main government authorities--to Economic and industry administry(Keizai Sangyou syou) or Security servant of nuclear powers(Genshi ryoku Anzen Hoan in).