

江戸時代後期の公式外交文章*1で、対外呼称が「日本政府(The Japanese government)」だった事から、徳川幕府あるいは江戸幕府との呼び方は国内的に朝廷との関係で用いた語彙だった事が分かる。よって、少なくとも江戸時代後期の歴史学の用語として、「幕府」という用語は朝廷との関係を示す為に使い、対外呼称としては「政府」と表記するか、さもなくば併記が正しい。

1) 『大日本外交文書 第一巻』80、明治元年1月4日(1月28日)亜米利加弁理公使ヨリ旧幕府老中酒井忠淳(雅楽頭)等宛『幕府ト戦フ者ニ付確報得タキ旨申入ノ件』。195-198頁

No. 17. legation of United States in Japan
Osaka, Jan'y 28th, 1868.

 I have this moment received Your Excellencies Communication of last night, asking me to take such measures as may be necessary to preserve neutrality upon the part of citizens of the United States. In order that I may be correct in any notice that I may deem proper to issue to my countrymen, it will be necessary for me to be informed, "With whom is the Japanese Government now engaged in war?" "Is Matsudaira Shurino Daibu the only person in arms against the Government, or has he allies and confederates?"
 I also desire to say to my countrymen ( if such be the fact) that the Japanese Government has not only the disposition and ability to protect them and their rights under the Treaty, in Japan, but that it will do so. Will Your Excellencies give to me information upon these points to-day, as I desire if possible, to leave fro Yedo to-morrow.

 With Respect & Esteem
  Minister Resident of the U. S. in Japan.

Their Excellencies
 Sakai Wuta no Kami
 Itakura Iga no Kami
 Matsudaira Buzen no Kami
  etc. etc. etc. etc.